HOW and

Broker of Interfaces &
Ecosystem Outreach & Education:

Bonsai serves as a hub for information and analysis concerning AI technologies and their impact on international peace and security. The organization plays a crucial role in fostering collaboration, coordination, and trust between governments globally, both in the Global North and Global South. Bonsai is recognized as a key player in New York and Dubai, specializing in AI’s responsible use and deployment in ways that safeguard world peace while capitalizing on the opportunities AI tech presents. We capacitate and upskill policymakers and AI developers with better understanding of each other’s domains, leading to certifications and licensing, ultimately contributing to growing international cooperation at the intersections of AI and global peace and security.

Convenor and Catalyst of
Knowledge & Learning:


Our goal is to distill the outcomes of our community-building initiatives into a cohesive and practical framework that guides research and informs policy development. While recognizing that the global landscape is dynamic and priorities may shift over time, we aim to initiate discussions and advocacy efforts centered on the following key areas:

  • AI’s Role in Weapons Development, National Security Strategy, and Military Doctrine
  • Digital Sovereignty
  • AI’s Connection to the Weaponization of “Deepfake” & Synthetic Media and Communications

As the global situation evolves, we anticipate adapting our focus to reflect emerging challenges and opportunities in these crucial domains.

We seek to crystallize the results of the community building efforts into a coherent and actionable set of priorities for research and policy formation. As time goes by, the global situation will change and the relative importance will evolve, but from the start we expect to focus conversation and advocacy around: 

Policy Advocate and Influencer:

Bonsai actively engages in shaping international policy and decision-making by elevating the discourse on AI to prominent global platforms, with a particular focus on influential bodies like the UN Security Council (UNSC) and the G20. We serve as both influencers and advocates, emphasizing the responsible use and deployment of AI technologies within the defense, large weapons production and military domains, with a keen awareness of their implications for international peace and security (IPS).

Our efforts are directed towards incorporating AI-related themes into the agendas and priorities of the UNSC and G20, strategically addressing the intersection of AI and global peace and security. We aim to formalize the Council’s acknowledgment of this critical nexus by working towards the establishment of a dedicated and permanent “UNSC working group on AI & IPS.” Additionally, we will actively seek to facilitate sponsorship of “open debates” on the subject by UNSC members and capitalize on the “Arria Formula” mechanism for formal engagements between UNSC and the private sector, civil society, NGOs, academia, and more. Similar engagement strategies are used for advocacy and influence with the G20, via the rotating annual chairmanship of respective G20 members.

Bonsai advocates and influences multilaterally and bilaterally within the governmental domain, whose mandate is policy and normative frameworks, as well as with the corporate sector, which leads the development and advancement of AI technologies.

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